Move In the Right Direction
One day makes a big difference!!
Beginning 1*
Skeletal Muscle
atrophy begins 1*
Pressure area develop
Plasma volume begins to develop 2*
Orthostatic hypotension begins to develop 2*
Hypoxemia 2*
Insulin resistance ^
Altered triglyceride levels 4*
Increase CA+ in urine 1*
To-Do List
Get Milk
Pick Up kids
Mobilize Patients
Sarcopenia (loss of muscle strength) 1-3% per day 1,2*
Dorsal atelectasis begins
Thoracic fluid volume ^ 5*
Loss of calcium in urine and increased risk of renal calculi
40% chance of becoming incontinent if >65 years 6*
Peristalsis/impaction <
8-10% loss of plasma volume 1*
Cardiac workload ^ 1*
HR (rest) 1*
Stroke volume < 1*
Cardiac output <1*
Lower pain threshold
Anxiety and fear
Depressed central nervous system responses
Risk of gastric aspiration and endotoxemia ^
Micrrovascular dysfunction 1*
> 1% bone mineralization lost per week 6*
Visible weakness in 25-30% MV patients
10% decrease in Muscle strength 1*
Bone degradation continues as long as bed rest occurs
Risk of ventilator acquired pneumonia increases every day
Risk of long term disabling weakness continues every day
Risk for falls and delirium increases every day
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12. Winkelman C. Bed Rest In Health and Critical Illness. A Body Systems Approach. AACN Advanced Critical Care 20(3):254-266.
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17. Puthucheary ZA, Rawal J, McPhail M, Connolly B, et al. Acute skeletal muscle wasting in critical illness. JAMA 2013; 310(15)1591–1600. doi:10.1001/jama.2013.278481
18. Kortebein P, Ferrado A, Lombieda J, Wolfe R, & Evans J. Effect of 10 days of bedrest on skeletal muscle in healthy older adults. Journal of the American Medical Association, 2007. 297(16): 1772-1774. doi:10.1001/jama.297.16.1772-b.