Move In the Right Direction
Margaret Arnold
Margaret Arnold is one of the world’s foremost experts on Early Mobility and is CEO of EarlyMobility.com. Margaret has over 25 years of experience as a PT, specializing in back injury treatment and prevention, industrial rehabilitation, ergonomics, and safe patient mobility.
Even as Margaret developed and managed a successful safe patient handling program in her hospital, she was forward thinking towards how to apply the safe patient handling technologies to promote patient mobility
You can often catch Margaret both domestically and internationally speaking at conferences related to PT, Early Mobility and Safe Patient Handling. You can watch Margaret on her own Ted Talk in the video section of this website. She is also the editorial advisor on Early Mobility for the International Journal of Safe Patient Handling and has a seat on the board of directors for the American Safe Patient Handling Association. She has published extensively on both topics and is a pioneer in integrating early mobility programs with safe patient handling programs.
Margaret also has extensive knowledge of safe patient handling technologies and is spearheading research about how to incorporate those technologies into Early Mobility Programs. She has even designed her own multi-function mobility harness that is still sold through another company that she founded called Inspire outcomes which you can find on EarlyMobility.com’s technology guide.
Margaret has a proven track record of successful sustainable program outcomes and is passionate about doing whatever it takes to get the best care for the patients and in the safest way for care givers. As a business owner herself, she understands fiscal responsibility and is always concious about presenting her clients with their best business case and estimated ROI for implementing an EarlyMobility.com Program.