Move In the Right Direction
Janice Homola
Janice Homola is President Emeritus of the Michigan Health Care Safety Association (MHCSA). She is a Human and Operational Performance Advocate and a certified Just Culture Safety Champion. As a certified safe patient handling associate (CSPHA), Janice specializes in safe patient movement and mobility by conducting gap analyses, collaborating to determine improvements, providing coaching and education, and by improving organizations’ cultures of safety.
Ms. Homola serves healthcare organizations through problem solving to prevent employee and
patient injury, reduce risk, and find innovative solutions that work. After providing instrumental
support in the successful application for a $65,000 a grant, she led a Mobility: Early and Often
initiative to improve patient and caregiver health, improve service to the community, and improve
the hospital’s bottom line.
Janice was co-developer and presenter for five years for MIOSHA funded, state-wide seminars,
On the Backs of Healthcare Workers, to spotlight the depth and breadth of patient movement
challenges and provide innovative solutions. She participated with MIOSHA in ergonomic
standard development and provided safe patient movement education to MIOSHA’s Consultation
Education and Training (CET) Division. Nationwide, Janice conducted numerous seminars to
provide understanding about challenges and solutions to the musculoskeletal challenges that
caregivers face.
Janice holds a Bachelor of Science degree in industrial health and safety from Oakland
University, associates degrees in risk management and hospital pharmacy, and completed
training in advanced ergonomics from the University of Toledo. She also earned an insurance
designation from the Insurance Institute of America.