Move In the Right Direction
Jamie Haines
Therapy Consultant and Educator
Dr. Haines is an Assistant Professor in the Doctoral Program in Physical Therapy at Central
Michigan University. She received her Masters of Science in Physical Therapy from the Grand
Valley State University in 1995 and completed her DScPT from Oakland University in 2014.
She is a Neurologic Certified Specialist through the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties, certified in 2005 and re-certified in 2015. Dr. Haines’ research interests include Parkinson’sDisease, teaching and learning principles in DPT education including authentic experiences and integration of safe patient handling and mobility technology in PT schools. She is a member of the American Physical Therapy Association including Academy of Neurologic PT and Education.
Jamie is married and has three children, ages 20, 22, and 25. She is an avid outdoorswoman and enjoys fat tire bike riding, exercising and being an active member of her church.