Move In the Right Direction
The Team
Our dedication to your success is second to none!
Daniel Dale
Consultant/Educational Specialist
Brooke Nack
Consultant/Clinical Specialist
Susan Salsbury
Consultant/Clinical Specialist
Workplace Accommodation Case Manager OhioHealth
Columbus, OH
Susan Lennon Salsbury BS, OTR/L, CDMS, CSPHP is a 1980 graduate of The Ohio State University with a Bachelor of Science in Allied Medical Professions. She is a licensed Occupational Therapist, a Certified Disability Management Specialist and a Certified Safe Patient Handling Professional.
Leon Flowers
Consultant/Clinical Specialist
Hello, I'm
Susan Wyatt
Consultant/Clinical Specialist
Recently retired from VA where she shared 20 years of passion for excellence in patient care, Susan Wyatt, RN has dual degrees in Biology and Nursing with focused service in Med Surg, Oncology, falls prevention and Safe Patient Handling and Mobility (SPHM). Ms. Wyatt has over a decade of experience in facility SPHM program leadership, serving additionally as the regional lead including New Mexico, Arizona and Southern California since 2012. During this time, she was responsible for developing interdisciplinary SPHM processes, staff and patient education, workflow, product distribution and ergonomic evaluations to identify high risk patient care tasks and solutions to prevent related patient and staff injuries. Most recently, she led development of a multidisciplinary plan to involve all departments in interventions targeting early patient mobility utilizing principles of collective efficacy. Ms. Wyatt co-authored “Integrating Safe Patient Handling and Early Mobility: Combining Quality Initiatives” and has received numerous nursing excellence awards at the facility and VISN levels, including Nursing Legacy. Advanced Practice and Nurse of the Year.. She recently served with an elite team nationally as SME to create a statistically valid VA mobility tool to link a common mobility screening language with SPHM equipment to promote safety and patient mobilization across the care spectrum.
Angela Henning
Consultant/Clinical Specialist
Angie Henning received a dual degree in Master of Physical Therapy and Bachelor of Health Sciences from the University of Kentucky in 2000. She started her career as an outpatient physical therapist in private practice certified in Mechanical Diagnosis and Treatment (the McKenzie Method) as well as in performance of Functional Capacity Evaluations via the ErgoScience Method. Since 2012, she has worked at UK HealthCare primarily in the CVICU and received board certification as a cardiopulmonary clinical specialist in 2019. Angie embraces her varied specialist background, treating patients in a holistic manner to maximize individual abilities. She is an advocate for the interprofessional team having served on various hospital committees specially those utilizing best practice to develop algorithms to guide clinical decision making for mobilizing complex patients (vented and ECMO).
Angie Henning, PT, MPT
Board Certified Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Clinical Specialist
Certified in Mechanical Diagnosis and Treatment
University of Kentucky Inpatient Rehab
CV Service line
Adjunct Faculty UK College of Health Sciences